Durante estos dos días de intenso trabajo, los participantes pudieron compartir sus problemáticas, idear nuevas soluciones, encontrar nuevos clientes o proveedores y actualizar sus conocimientos en temas empresariales; en ello radicó el éxito del evento. El próximo año nos daremos cita nuevamente en noviembre para llenarlo de alegrías, sueños, proyectos, problemáticas y buscar nuevas formas de hacer. Noviembre, al igual que mayo, mes en que se realizará una nueva edición de la Expoemprendimiento, se erigen como pretexto para un nuevo encuentro, para seguir construyendo una comunidad de emprendedores exitosa y comprometida.
November 10 and 11 were the most entrepreneurial of the entire month as attested to by the participation of 171 businessmen and women from 101 companies, as well as numerous guests invited to the November for Entrepreneurs 2016. Each edition of this new space inaugurated by Proyecto CubaEmprende will deal with a specific topic of interest for entrepreneurs. On this occasion, it was devoted to relationships between businesses (business to business: B2B), with the objective of fostering team work and building a community of entrepreneurs open to exchanging ideas and projects, willing to collaborate, and who may also become customers and suppliers eventually.
The event took place under the slogan “what can I give, what do I need” to incentivize participants to thus establish a network of opportunities for collaboration, as well as to contribute to finding solutions together. Entrepreneurs had space to socialize, talk and exchange ideas about topics essential to improving companies. Likewise, the conference named “B2B: Concepts, Characteristics and Advantages. Some tips for ensuring good relationships between businesses” took place on the first day, and was of very useful to learn about this highly singular type of relationships between companies. After that, there was an exchange of experiences about good business to business practices in the workplace.
At the end of the first day, a space was opened for tendering of bids where entrepreneurs could express their needs for contracting goods or services in order to receive bids from potential suppliers in the future. Throughout the day, participants had the opportunity to write down on flipcharts provided for that purpose what waste materials from their business might constitute valuable resources for others, while others indicated what resources they needed, establishing advantageous contact information for both parties. Likewise, they attached their business cards to a large mural and used yarn to symbolically weave networks with the business cards of companies that interested them, creating a web of relationships that became new collaborations and business opportunities.
The second day began very energetically with the dynamic “Co-laborando,” where, in the form of team competitions, entrepreneurs had to deal with various entrepreneurial challenges in various stations, with the winner being the team that best overcame the challenges. One of the most interesting moments of the day occurred in the space devoted to Elevator Pitch, a short and engaging speech about his business or the products which the entrepreneur had to give between floors while riding in an elevator. First, the interesting conference “How to generate an effective Elevator Pitch“ took place; later came the panel “The usefulness of the Elevator Pitch,” and as a main dish the presentation by the six finalists of the 1st Elevator Pitch Contest. Everyone displayed great ingenuity in engaging the audience and, in only two minutes, explaining the essence of their product and why it could be more attractive than his competitors’.
Subsequently, the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Award was launched, during which the bases of the contest were explained and persons were presented who benefitted from CSR policies on the part of enterprises. To top off the day and the event, a closing ceremony was held where, in a very special moment, the jury prize and the popularity prize pertaining to of the Elevator Pitch game were awarded, with the same business winning both categories. Calm pet, animal caregiver.
During these days of intense work, participants were able to share the problems they face, come up with new solutions, find new customers and suppliers and update their know-how on business issues: it was in this that the success of the event lay. Next year, we will meet again in November to share the joys, dreams, projects and problems and to look for new ways to do things. November, like May, when a new edition of Expoemprendimiento will take place, offers a pretext to meet again, to continue building a community of committed and successful entrepreneurs.